Emerging Technologies Round-Up — March 2014

ASME’s Emerging Technologies department will be sponsoring two exciting events during the next few months: the ASME Energy Forum Live — Shale Development & Hydraulic Fracturing Conference next week in San Diego, Calif., and the Advanced Design and Manufacturing Impact Forum, to be held in Buffalo, N.Y., this August.

The inaugural Shale Development & Hydraulic Fracturing Conference, which will be held March 17–19 at the San Diego Convention Center, will bring together speakers from top oil and gas exploration companies including Statoil, Baker Hughes, BP, and Shell to lead conversations on technologies, applications and solutions for competing in the global marketplace. The event will focus on the suppliers of hardware, equipment and function systems for both surface and subsurface facilities. An exhibitor section will allow companies to market their products and services for this rapidly growing industry. Selected sessions will be available to view via webcast on the asme.org website. (See related story here) For more information on the conference and to register, visit go.asme.org/energyforumlive.

A second Emerging Technologies event, the Advanced Design and Manufacturing Impact Forum, will take place Aug. 17–20 at the Buffalo Niagara Convention Center, is a follow-up to the Impact Forum that debuted at Congress last November. The Impact Forum in August, which will be co-located with the ASME 2014 International Design and Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE 2014), will feature industry leaders from fields including design and advanced manufacturing, additive manufacturing/3D printing, aerospace, automotive, medical devices, computer-aided engineering, robotics, and entrepreneurship. Electronic poster (ePoster) abstracts on these topics are currently being accepted. The Impact Forum will feature dedicated ePoster sessions that will offer presenters five minutes to discuss and share their materials with the audience. The Impact Forum will also include an exhibits area showcasing the latest advanced design and manufacturing technologies and provide networking opportunities for attendees. A job fair and 3D student design competition will round off this action-packed event. To learn more, visit go.asme.org/impactforum.

Emerging Technologies recently held the 2014 3rd Global Congress on NanoEngineering for Medicine and Biology (NEMB), which took place Feb. 2-5 in San Francisco, Calif. Building on the momentum of the previous Global Congresses, this year’s program consisted of oral and poster presentations, including plenary and invited keynote talks. Additional contributions were provided by members of the engineering community, scientists, clinicians, students and experts from industry. The event focused on the development of new tools, methods and materials impacting biomedicine and life sciences, including nanomedicine and biologically inspired materials and technology. Selected sessions were webcast and are now available for viewing on the ASME website at www.asmeconferences.org/NEMB2014/Webcast.cfm.

In other Emerging Technology news, the Energy-Water Nexus Interdisciplinary Council continues to move forward with a number of activities, including sponsoring a track at the ASME Power Conference, from July 28-31 in Baltimore, Md. (www.asmeconferences.org/Power2014); sponsoring a topic and panel session “Disputing Stress Metrics: Toward Resilient Water and Energy Systems” at the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition from Nov. 14-20 in Montreal, Canada (www.asmeconferences.org/Congress2014); and the publication of the book Thermal Power Plant Cooling: Context & Engineering, edited by Carey King (www.asme.org/products/books/thermal-power-plant-cooling-context).

The Center for Research and Technology Development (CRTD) Research Committee on Water Management Technology is also planning to conduct three panel sessions at the ASME Power Conference in July on the Energy-Water-Agriculture Nexus, the industrial demineralization handbook, and Hydraulic Fracturing Water Issues and Opportunities.

The Integrated/Sustainable Building Equipment and Systems (ISBES) Task Force has several key upcoming activities including sponsoring a topic at ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition in November; sponsoring a topic at ASME Energy Sustainability from June 30-July 2 in Boston, Mass. (www.asmeconferences.org/ESFuelCell2014); and developing the Handbook of Mechanical Systems for Sustainable Buildings, to be published by ASME Press. The Task Force is also planning to form a new CRTD Research Committee on ISBES.

The Thermal Energy Storage (TES) Task Force also has some projects forthcoming. These activities include sponsoring a topic at ASME Congress in November, and assessing Recommendations and an Action Plan resulting from the Open Research Forum that was held in ASME’s Washington, D.C., office last September. Based on outcomes from the report, the group will evaluate new products and services to consider for development.

The TES task force is planning to form a new CRTD Research Committee. For more information on the new research committees or ASME’s Open Research Forums, contact Michael Tinkleman at tinklemanm@asme.org or Norma Johnston at johnstonn@asme.org.

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