Highlights of the February Board of Governors Meeting
Highlights of the February Board of Governors Meeting
The 2012-2013 ASME Board of Governors convened its fourth meeting of the fiscal year by teleconference on Feb. 14.
Some of the business conducted during the virtual meeting included:
- A follow-up on the move of ASME headquarters from 3 Park Ave. to 2 Park Ave. The relocation was completed in late January, with ASME's New York staff now occupying space on the sixth and seventh floor of the new building.
- An update on Phase 2 of ASME.org. Phase 2 of the website, which is expected to have a public launch in Spring 2013, will include the addition of Community features, including new ASME Group capabilities, as well as changes to the home page and site navigation.
- A status report on the new strategic budgeting process — approved at the November BOG meeting — that the Society will use to develop its budgets for FY 2014 forward.
- The Board's approval of Kalan Guiley as vice president of the Board on Government Relations for the term running from June 2013 to June 2016. The Public Affairs and Outreach Council recommended Guiley as the vice president nominee to replace Donna Michalek, who passed away in April 2012.
- The appointment of Kathryn Ingle as a member of the Committee on Organization and Rules through June 2016, and the reappointment of Richard Goldstein as member of the Pension Plan Trustees for the July 2013-June 2016 term.