Industry Survey Addresses Needs and Challenges in Nanomanufacturing

Industry Survey Addresses Needs and Challenges in Nanomanufacturing

The ASME Research Committee on Nanomanufacturing Technology, part of the Center for Research & Technology Development, recently issued the results of an industry needs assessment survey that it conducted last summer.

The survey was sent to individuals who had either purchased nano-related products from ASME or participated in nano-related conferences and other activities.

Of the 334 respondents, 44 percent indicated that they play a role in commercializing nanotechnology, while 53 percent responded that they are currently enhancing existing products or processes by incorporating nanotechnology. In addition, about three-quarters of those responding said they wished to enhance existing products or processes by incorporating nanotechnology.

According to the Nanomanufacturing Industry Needs Assessment Survey, the most frequently mentioned products incorporating nanotechnology in the process of commercialization include coatings, paints, and thin-films; nanoparticles and nano powders; and semiconductors, nanowires, lithography and print products.

Other key findings from the survey included:

  • Identifying appropriate personnel, networking with others in the field, and learning about commercialization strategies were considered as the more pressing needs;
  • Key challenge areas of greatest concern include insufficient capital investment, the long path to commercialization, the high cost of processing, and process scalability; and
  • Foreign competition, regulatory concerns, environmental safety and health, and unattractive market potential are viewed as challenges of low concern within the industry.

The results of the survey will be used to organize a future industrial needs assessment workshop, according to Michael Tinkleman, director of the Center for Research & Technology Development. “The Nanomanufacturing Industry Needs Assessment Survey and the planned nanomanufacturing workshop, titled “From Papers to Products – Lessons learned and Future Directions” are both intended to address the key challenges and barriers to the commercialization of nano products,” he said. “We’re also hoping to use what we learn from them to address what roles ASME can play to assist in overcoming these key challenges and barriers.”

To view the entire results of the Nanomanufacturing Industry Needs Assessment Survey, and to learn more about the Research Committee on Nanomanufacturing Technology, visit the committee page.

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