Investing in the Next Generation

Few will debate the fact that technical literacy puts nations on a path to prosperity, while also helping to build a more sustainable future. More than that, technical literacy in schools opens doors to well-paying, exciting and meaningful career opportunities while filling the workforce gaps needed by industry. As the world's population increases, so too will the demands on the next generation of engineers to provide solutions for the grand challenges facing humankind.

The good news is that attracting diverse and talented students to fill these gaps should be made easier because job opportunities in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) are expanding faster and offer higher salaries than non-STEM occupations. "As is typically the case, business and engineering majors, plus those earning degrees in technical fields, including computer science, are most in demand at the bachelor's degree level," writes the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) in its "2011 Job Outlook". NACE ranked "Engineering" third among the top five college degrees in the current labor market, with mechanical engineering near the top of the list within the field of engineering. The potential to maintain the momentum is why ASME supports initiatives such as the STEM Education Coalition. Through this coalition, we keep STEM at the center of conversations about education policies and learning.

To discuss the mounting demand for high-skilled labor around the world, it helps to take a brief tour: In 2007, China surpassed the U.S. in college graduates focusing on STEM fields. Three years later, China became the world's largest provider of higher education. By 2017, India will graduate five times the number of high school students as the United States. Also, European students score higher on math, science and reading tests than U.S. students. While India and China are in a rapid-growth phase, Europe and the United States must grow through innovation or strategies that more effectively tap existing resources.

Every country in the world is pursuing their own strategy in energy, research, manufacturing and infrastructure — and investing in education is critical to their success. Investing in human capital drives economic growth three times more than physical investment, according to a study by the Center for American Progress. China, India and other countries have this strategy in place.

In the United States, one key education strategy is to find innovative and lasting solutions by having teachers in grade school present STEM subjects as discovery-based, creative and fun. Having effective teachers in the classroom will have a huge impact on student learning.

Engineers need to help if this is to be achieved. Also needed are federal funding and industry support. In the United States, long-term support for federal science and engineering programs is crucial to fostering innovation and investments and in bringing new technologies and jobs to market for consumers around the world. Recent budget cuts, however, will affect key areas related to education and research, such as the National Science Foundation (NSF), which focuses on broad-based, cross-cutting fundamental research programs, and not only emphasizes STEM education but also focuses on sustainability, which includes vital investments in clean energy research, and advanced manufacturing.

At NSF, the major impact of sequestration will be seen in reductions to the number of new research grants and cooperative agreements now awarded. The intent, according to an NSF notice in February, is to protect STEM human capital development programs and existing research grants. The path of future NSF appropriations is currently being debated by Congress.

Though not all the decisions have been made at this time, I am equally concerned with more indirect effects in anticipation of further financial disruption. Will corporate sponsors to student competitions and activities, for example, be as willing to provide the much-needed, hands-on, team-based projects provided outside the classroom? We've already felt the pull back.

Ultimately, these long-standing commitments to knowledge generation, job creation and innovation seem to waver at a time when we want to begin to tip the scale the other way, to fulfill so much potential. After all, these strategies are working around the world. Just one trend to note: China's share of the world's high-tech manufacturing rose six-fold over the last two decades, reflecting a concerted strategy in investing aggressively in R&D as well as in a robust science and engineering workforce.

Now is not the time to slow the investment in future generations. R&D fuels innovation, driving both the economy and employment growth. Clearly not everything should be expendable. Building the pipeline of a capable and effective workforce relies on urgently addressing the needs of educators and students now in school.

Engineering-intensive industries provide and create millions of stable, high-paying jobs, but these industries depend on long-term, sustainable education programs that support technological innovation and global competitiveness.

Marc W. Goldsmith ASME President

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