ASME NDE/QC Personnel Certification Workshop to be Webcast Live

ASME NDE/QC Personnel Certification Workshop to be Webcast Live

If you can't make it to ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code Week in Colorado later this month, you can still take part in a workshop on a non-destructive examination (NDE) and quality control (QC) certification process the Society is currently developing. The workshop will be offered as a free, live webcast from the meeting.

The ASME NDE/QC Personnel Certification (ANDE) Workshop will be held from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Mountain Time on Tuesday, April 28. Participants in the workshop will learn about details of the certification scheme contained in the ASME ANDE-1 Standard, including how ANDE differs from existing personnel qualification and certification processes; the potential effects that adoption of the new certification process could have on the workforce; new criteria for obtaining NDE/QC experience and documentation; and the NDE/QC regulator's perspective on the new standard.

To register for the free webcast, visit Details on how to participate in the webcast will be e-mailed to registrants in advance of the workshop. Questions about the webcast should be e-mailed to the workshop's organizers at

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