ASME Publications Win Two EXCEL Awards

Two ASME publications, DEMAND—ASME Global Development Review and Mechanical Engineering magazine, were honored this year by Association Media & Publishing’s EXCEL Awards program, which is recognized as the largest and most prestigious awards program exclusively aimed at celebrating excellence and leadership in nonprofit association media, publishing, and communications.

Nearly 1,000 publications from 110 organizations and associations were entered into this year’s EXCEL Awards program. The awards were presented at the 34th Annual EXCEL Awards Gala, held in Tysons Corner, Va., in conjunction with Association Media & Publishing’s 2014 annual meeting.

DEMAND—ASME Global Development Review received a Gold Award for General Excellence in the “Journals” category at the awards ceremony. General Excellence is considered the highest level award because it encompasses a review and recognition of writing, content, design, and overall packaging.

The new publication, first published last November, provides a platform for engineers and other technically trained people in the global development space to share their insights with the greater engineering community through in-depth case studies and articles exploring the technical, programmatic and community challenges related to the field.

DEMAND was created and published by ASME in collaboration with Mechanical Engineering magazine with reports from Engineering for Change (E4C) and support from the ASME Foundation. The second issue of DEMAND was recently published and is available as a free app, or via

Mechanical Engineering magazine received a Bronze Award for Redesign in the category for publications with a circulation of more than 100,000—this was the only award issued in this category. The award recognizes a publication that significantly upgraded its design or content during 2013. The redesigned Mechanical Engineering, which debuted with the January 2013 issue, features a bold new look employing dynamic layouts, custom illustrations, and powerful imagery.

Bates Creative was the design consultant for both DEMAND and the redesigned Mechanical Engineering magazine.

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