PVP Failure Modes Case Study Learning Series to be Offered Next Month During Boiler Code Week

PVP Failure Modes Case Study Learning Series to be Offered Next Month During Boiler Code Week

ASME Learning & Development will host three ASME Pressure Vessel & Piping (PVP) Failure Modes MasterClasses next month in conjunction with ASME Boiler Code Week in Atlanta, Ga. The daylong courses will be held from Nov. 14 to 16 at the Westin Peachtree Plaza.

Through a series of case study-based courses, which will be taught by top industry experts George Antaki and Tony Scribner, each course in the program will examine the fundamentals of a specific damage mechanism, its causes and characteristics, the method of inspection to detect damage, and the techniques to evaluate the component’s fitness-for-service. Rules and application of ASME and API Codes as well as other industry regulations are discussed in making run-or-repair decisions.

The first course in the series, “PVP Integrity Assessment and Repair Using ASME/API Codes, An Overview” (MC152), on Nov. 14 from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., will introduce participants to the approach to integrity assessment and repairs of fixed equipment (tanks, vessels, and piping systems) across industries, including the chemical process industry, the oil-gas pipeline industry, refineries and petrochemicals, nuclear power, and fossil power plants.

From 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Nov. 15, the MasterClass “PVP Failure Mode: Metal Loss Corrosion and Erosion” (MC160) will review the causes and characteristics of metal loss in pressure equipment and piping systems. The course will also address how to determine the integrity of the system or component, how to decide whether to keep the system or component in service, and how to repair and prevent recurrence. In making these assessments, the guidance available in ASME Codes and other industry regulations will be discussed, as well as what is not addressed in codes and regulations and is consequently at the discretion of the engineer.

The final course in the series, “PVP Failure Mode: Stress Corrosion Cracking” (MC156), will cover the causes and characteristics of stress corrosion cracking (SCC), diagnosing its causes, determining the integrity of the system or component, deciding whether to keep the system or component in service, and repairing and preventing recurrence. The class, which will take place Nov. 16 from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., will provide a detailed discussion of the prediction of SCC onset, as well as failure assessments and repair options.

Registrants can save up to 10 percent when they sign up for more than one of the MasterClasses. To register, visit http://calendar.asme.org/EventDetail.cfm?EventID=41619. If you need assistance with registration, contact ASME Customer Care at (800) 843-2763 or email customercare@asme.org. For questions regarding the Pressure Vessel & Piping Failure Modes MasterClass Series or other MasterClass programs, contact Jennifer Delda at deldaj@asme.org.

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