ASME Signs Memorandum of Understanding with China Chemical Industry Equipment Association

ASME Signs Memorandum of Understanding with China Chemical Industry Equipment Association

Oct. 24, 2016

Zhao Min (left), general director of the China Chemical Industry Equipment Association, and ASME Executive Director Thomas Loughlin at the signing of the memorandum of understanding at ASME headquarters. (Photo by Wil Haywood, Public Information)

On Oct. 17, a delegation from the China Chemical Industry Equipment Association (CCIEA) met with representatives from ASME at the Society’s 2 Park Avenue headquarters, where the two organizations signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) that formalized the relationship the groups have maintained for nearly 10 years.

The agreement, which was signed by ASME Executive Director Thomas Loughlin and CCIEA’s Director General Zhao Min, covers the promotion of information exchange, cooperation in standards development and training, standards committee participation, and potential cooperation in workshops and seminars with a special focus on conformity assessment and personnel certification.

The delegation from the China Chemical Industry Equipment Association met with several ASME staff members during their visit to ASME headquarters on Oct. 17. (Photo by Wil Haywood, Public Information)

Founded in 1989, CCIEA is a group of more than 500 Chinese manufacturers that are involved in a variety of fields including chemical, petrochemical, petroleum, machinery, light industry, medicine, metallurgy, electric power, and agriculture. The association, which interacts with a variety of government agencies and large state-owned enterprises, is responsible for appraisal and evaluation in pressure vessel design and manufacture, pressure piping components and related equipment, as well as associated training and personnel certification. Approximately 200 CCIEA member firms have their quality assurance programs certified by ASME, and many more are expected to become certified.

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