ASME Training & Development to Offer MasterClass Courses for the First Time at IMECE

ASME Training & Development to Offer MasterClass Courses for the First Time at IMECE

ASME Training & Development will present four special MasterClass courses this November during the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE) in Houston. The four advanced-level courses will be offered from Nov. 15 to 18 at the Hilton Americas and the George R. Brown Convention Center.

Led by industry experts and ASME codes and standards leaders, ASME MasterClass courses are practical training sessions for experienced professionals that emphasize learning through the discussion of real world case studies and practical applications. MasterClass instructors lead in-depth sessions that address current issues and best practices to inspire interactive discussions and group knowledge-sharing.

The first of course, “Verification and Validation in Scientific Computing,” is a two-day class covering modern terminology and effective procedures for verification of numerical simulations, validation of mathematical models, and uncertainty quantification of nondeterministic simulations. The techniques presented during the course are applicable to a wide range of engineering and science applications, including fluid dynamics, heat transfer, solid mechanics, and structural dynamics. The class, to be held Nov. 15-16, will be presented by William Oberkampf, Ph.D., engineering consultant and member of the ASME Verification and Validation (V&V) Committee; and Christopher Roy, Ph.D., professor of aerospace and ocean engineering at Virginia Tech and a member of the ASME V&V Committee.

A second MasterClass, “Fatigue Analysis Requirements in ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section VIII, Division 2 – Alternative Rules,” provides attendees with a thorough examination of the techniques used in fatigue analysis of pressurized equipment. The course, which will take place Nov. 15, will incorporate a variety of discussions on the fundamentals of fatigue, the technical background and implementation of the fatigue methods in ASME Section VIII, Division 2, and the application of the rules to solve practical problems related to cyclic operation. David Thornton, principal engineer and technical advisor for Equity Engineering Group and member of the joint American Petroleum Institute/ASME technical committee responsible for the development of Fitness-for-Service (FFS) assessment techniques will present the course, which provides a detailed look at the fatigue analysis approaches using smooth bar and welded joint technology using the new structural stress approach, as well as address the application of fatigue assessment to existing pressurized equipment in the new Part 14 of API 579-1/ASME FFS-1.

“Run-or-Repair Operability Decisions for Pressure Equipment and Piping Systems,” to be held Nov. 17 and 18, offers attendees a comprehensive review of the rules and application of the ASME codes and standards in making run-or-repair operability decisions for pressure equipment and piping systems. The course is based on a series of case studies of abnormal conditions and how to diagnose their cause, how to determine the integrity of the system or component, how to decide whether to keep the system or component in service, and how to repair and prevent recurrence. The MasterClass instructor, George Antaki, P.E., is chief engineering for Becht Nuclear Services Division and a member of the ASME Code Section III Subgroup on Component Design.

The fourth MasterClass to be offered in Houston, “Bases and Application of Piping Flexibility Analysis to ASME B31 Codes,” will be presented on Nov. 17 and 18 by Jim E. Meyer, principal and lead engineer for Louis Perry & Associates Inc. and chair of the ASME B31 Pressure Piping Committee. This course provides participants with in-depth examination of the rules and practical application of piping analysis requirements in the ASME B31.1 Power Code and ASME B31.3 Process Piping Code, incorporating detailed example problems that demonstrate how design and analysis and modeling assumptions can affect the results for real-world piping applications.

The four ASME MasterClasses in Houston are not included in the full registration for IMECE 2015, so separate registration is required to sign up for the courses. Although MasterClass registration does not include access to the IMECE technical sessions, course registrants will be able to enter the IMECE exhibit hall and attend the Opening Reception, Opening Keynote Session, and the Conference-Wide Plenary Sessions.

For more information on the MasterClass Series training event in Houston, or to register, visit

To learn more about the ASME MasterClass Series and other upcoming programs, visit

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