Training Session Offers Society Leaders Details on ONE ASME

Training Session Offers Society Leaders Details on ONE ASME

On July 12, more than 100 volunteer leaders from ASME’s various technical divisions and Institutes took part in a training session during which they learned about ONE ASME — the Society’s new organizational model that was approved by the Board of Governors during its meeting in April.

The four-and-a-half hour meeting, which was held in Kansas City, Mo., was the first of three sessions designed to help Society volunteers better understand why the reorganization took place and how the new arrangement will operate. The training session, which volunteers could also attend via webinar, featured presentations by Board of Governors members Stacey Swisher Harnetty and Richard Laudenat, and three other ASME volunteers who were instrumental in the reorganization Karen Ohland, former senior vice president, Knowledge and Community; Bobby Grimes, senior vice president of the new Technical Events and Content Sector; and Richard Marboe, vice president of the Programs and Activities Operating Board.

In April, ASME’s Knowledge & Community and Institutes Sectors were dissolved. A new Technical Events and Content (TEC) Sector was created to foster knowledge sharing between members, increase industry participation in ASME events, and make more efficient use of Society resources. Principal functions of the new sector include overseeing ASME technical conferences, events, webinars, and outreach programs, and managing all conference and event budgets.

Copies of the brochure “Engineering a Brighter Future,” providing information on the new ONE ASME organizational model, were distributed at the training session in Kansas City. The brochure, pictured above, can now be downloaded from the ONE ASME Group page (

The ONE ASME model also introduces a new Group Pathways and Support (GPS) system that is designed to encourage greater, more effective member engagement in ASME activities. The GPS consists of a network of volunteers and staff, along with various tools and resources, intended to advise groups on how to operate within ASME and make use of the Society’s available programs and services.

The GPS system will also give ASME volunteers the ability to help the Society develop new products and services, according to Michael Ireland, managing director of the new TEC Sector. “Our volunteers know their markets well, but we’ve never really asked them to help us identify new opportunities,” he said. “The GPS will allow volunteers to engage with the Society, and then they are there to help the Society better understand the needs of the customer so that we create better products and programs to meet their needs. We’re always looking for ideas, and now there’s a process for members to put those ideas forward.”

The GPS System Group Page, to be posted on in coming weeks, will serve as the hub for information exchange and provide links to additional direct communication tools, such as the online Requisition Tool, which can be used to submit inquiries, requests, and ideas and proposals for new programs. In the meantime, the GPS team can be reached by e-mail at

“I truly believe the new ONE ASME strategy and approach will position us for game-changing growth as a Society going forward, doing more good than ever before for humankind by more effectively implementing the mission-driven strategies and priorities as expressed by our Board of Governors,” added Grimes. “The newly established pathways of engagement, GPS framework, and TEC Sector should unleash the potential of our subject matter expert volunteers working collegially with our staff professionals in newly defined, complementary relationships.

“While we previously participated primarily in our own silos, individuals and groups will now be able to engage in many more ways across the Society which should increase personal satisfaction and deliver more value for others,” Grimes continued. “This represents the inflection point we will look back on in a few years and marvel at how we realized the mission and financial growth objectives set by our ASME leadership team.The best is yet to come!”

Two additional training sessions will be offered in September and October for leaders of the Society’s geographic Sections. The meetings, to be held Sept. 27 in Houston and Oct. 11 in Istanbul, Turkey, will also be webcast live for Section members who won’t be able to attend in person. As space is limited in these training events, invitations will be going out soon requesting that individuals RSVP if they plan on attending in person.

For more details on ONE ASME, visit the ONE ASME Group Page on at, where you can view a short video or download a copy of the brochure “Engineering a Brighter Future,” which was distributed at the Kansas City training session.

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