Two New ASME Journal Editors Named

Kenneth C. Hall

Kenneth C. Hall, Ph.D., and Wilson K.S. Chiu, Ph.D., were recently named as the editors of the ASME Journal of Turbomachinery and the ASME Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology, respectively. They each began their five-year terms as journal editors on July 1.

Dr. Hall, an ASME Fellow, is the Julian Francis Abele Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science in the Edmund T. Pratt Jr. School of Engineering at Duke University. He is a recognized expert in computational unsteady aerodynamics and aeromechanics of turbomachinery, with additional research interests in helicopter aerodynamics, flapping flight, and dynamics. A former vice president and treasurer for the ASME International Gas Turbine Institute (IGTI), Hall has served as a reviewer for a number of journals, including the ASME Journal of Turbomachinery, the AIAA Journal, the Journal of Fluid and Structures, and the Journal of Computational Physics.

The Journal of Turbomachinery publishes archival-quality, peer-reviewed technical papers that advance the state-of-the-art of turbomachinery technology related to gas turbine engines. The broad scope of subjects covered in the journal includes the fluid dynamics, heat transfer and aeromechanics technology associated with the design, analysis, modeling, testing and performance of turbomachinery, with an emphasis on gas-path technologies associated with axial compressors, centrifugal compressors and turbines.

Wilson K.S. Chiu

Dr. Chiu, also an ASME Fellow, is a professor of mechanical engineering at the University of Connecticut, where he has been a faculty member since 1999. His research, supported by government agencies and industry, focuses on heat and mass transfer with chemical reactions, with applications to materials for sustainable energy applications (fuel cell, battery, CO2 gas separation membrane, electrolyzer and solar cell), carbon nano-materials, photonics, and semiconductors. An active ASME volunteer, Chiu is a past chair of the ASME Advanced Energy Systems Division, a member of the Edward F. Obert Award and Soichiro Honda Medal Committees, and the 2006 recipient of the ASME Bergles-Rohsenow Young Investigator Award in Heat Transfer.

The Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology publishes peer-reviewed archival scholarly articles, research papers, technical briefs and feature articles addressing all aspects of the science, engineering, implementation, and manufacturing of fuel cells of all types, as well as fuel cell case studies involving examples of real-life systems.

For more information on the ASME Journal program, visit the ASME Digital Collection at

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