Register for ASME’s AM Medical Virtual Summit on Medical Additive Manufacturing and 3D-Printing
Register for ASME’s AM Medical Virtual Summit on Medical Additive Manufacturing and 3D-Printing
On Wednesday, May 27, ASME will be hosting the AM Medical Virtual Summit. The summit is one of the few events of its kind to do a deep dive into additive manufacturing and 3D Printing in medical applications. Areas such as 3D Printing at the point-of-care, and the impact these new technologies will have on the future of the medical and dental fields will be discussed in various forums throughout the day. The event provides an opportunity for clinicians, manufacturers and all those interested to convene and learn from one another, while also providing opportunities to network and connect.
Established additive manufacturing leaders Medtronic, Stryker and Johnson and Johnson will discuss the role additive manufacturing has played in medical device development, and what lies in store in the future. In conjunction with industry, representatives from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and National institutes of Health, and the healthcare field will discuss both immediate and long-term applications of these technologies. For attendees interested in specific disciplines, the Summit will be hosting breakout rooms alongside general plenary events. Discussions will target not just the technologies themselves, but also how to build on them from a manufacturing perspective to increase productivity, and explore areas such as regenerative medicine, which has evolved as a direct result of 3-D Printing and additive manufacturing in the healthcare space.
Alongside the informational sessions, the AM Medical Virtual Summit will also host a virtual happy hour and all-day opportunity for attendees to connect with one another through an additional virtual networking space. The Virtual Summit starts at 8:30am on May 27 and runs the entire day, concluding with a virtual Happy Hour at 4pm.
We hope you will join us and hear from our esteemed speakers about the exciting work being done at this intersection of healthcare and manufacturing!
For more information about this event, including program agenda, click here:
To register for this event, click here: