Call for Abstracts Now Open for ASME 2021 AMRGT Symposium

ASME’s Advanced Manufacturing and Repair for Gas Turbines (AMRGT) Symposium, designed to bring together the gas turbine manufacturing community with operators, support engineers, and manufacturing process developers, is seeking technical presentations exploring the challenges and solutions at the forefront of advanced manufacturing and repair of gas turbine components.

Peer-reviewed presentations without publication format including video-on-demand during and after the event are specifically intended to allow convenient participation for industrial stakeholders and maximum value to participants. Presenters are invited to submit an abstract for two tracks: advanced manufacturing and repair.

The advanced manufacturing track invites presentations covering the development and use of all advanced manufacturing technologies applied to turbine components. Digitalized factory concepts, waste and consumption reduction, additive manufacturing, and functional coating concepts as well as exploration of new materials and processes for manufacturing are all invited.

The repair track invites presentations covering the service degradation, inspection, repair needs, and refurbishment processes applied to turbine components. Case studies of advanced repair technologies that extend component life, restore capability, and reduce waste are welcome.

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