Emerging Technologies Round-Up

Key Activities: Open Research Forums

ASME's Engineering Research and Technology Development (ERTD) unit launched a new program that is intended to bring together industry, government and research leaders to gather information that can lead to new ASME products and services in several focus areas. The initiative, the ASME Open Research Forum series, is a joint effort of ERTD's Center for Research and Technology Development and the Emerging Technologies department.

An inaugural Open Research Forum, on the subject of integrated/sustainable building equipment and systems, was held on April 24 at the ASME Washington, D.C., office. Read last month's Spotlight Story on the forum here. An ASME report/action plan, highlighting the outcomes of the April forum, will be made available in July. A second forum, on the subject of thermal energy storage, is scheduled for Sept. 24, 2013 at the ASME Washington, D.C., office. 

For further information about the integrated/sustainable building equipment and systems Open Research Forum or the upcoming thermal energy storage forum, please contact Brandy Smith at smithb@asme.org.

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